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Sequence is Key - Storytelling with Photographs


In Person



10:00 AM
1:00 PM






About the Course

Taking meaningful photographs is one thing. Sequencing photographs to create a meaningful story is another. We will develop a story and create a book proposal. Included is a video conference with one of Germany‘s leading photobook designers and publishers. Bring a body of work or create one in this class.

Your Instructor

Sebastian Hesse-Kastein

RAB Self Portrait for Photoworks - Richa

Sebastian has been a (photo) journalist for over 35 years. In addition to his job in the news business he continuously works on long term documentary projects. Sebastian has published four photo books and his images have been in newspapers and magazines. For some time now he has worked with historic photographic processes.
In his own words:
If I can do it, you can do it! Teaching is not about giving lectures but working together as a group where everyone contributes.

“I'm less interested in single images and putting photographs on a wall. I prefer storytelling with images and making them accessible in books. Photo books are the most democratic way to share photographic work: affordable, sustainable and accessible everywhere!”

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