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iPhone in the Garden

Tuesdays & Thursdays




7:00 PM
9:00 PM






About the Course

Experience the freedom from heavy cameras and gear, as you explore peaceful gardens, with your iPhone. Learn what your iPhone camera can do, the apps that will allow you to edit your images, and create gallery-worthy art.

Your Instructor

Sue Bloom

RAB Self Portrait for Photoworks - Richa

Sue Bloom came to photography in the 1980s from a drawing and painting background. She holds a BFA and an MFA from Maryland Institute College of Art. She is a professor at McDaniel College in Westminster, MD.

At Photoworks, Sue has taught Digital Collage, Digital Painting, The Digital Beyond, Digitally Re-Touch Old Photo Family Photos, and multiple iPhone photography classes.

She has several long running projects that include a series on Venus, Sacred Places that Never Existed, and continuing to create techniques for painterly interpretations of our photos.

Her photography influences include: Ruth Bernhard, Joyce Tenneson, Arnold Newman, Julia Margaret Cameron, and so many more.

"Teaching is merely sharing what you have learned. Sharing that body of knowledge in a pleasant, nurturing, and creative manner is my goal. Everyone has a creative spirit. Uncovering that impulse and delivering methods to access and develop that spirit is primary to my teaching style."

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