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Hands-on Large Format Deep Dive


In Person



4:00 PM
8:00 PM






About the Course

Ever wanted to try out large format photography? This class will give you an intensive, extended hands-on opportunity to work with different types of large format camera and produce work in the various genres for which large format excels. Students learn movements, lighting basics, processing and printing. Sessions will include field trips outside of Photoworks.

Your Instructor

Scott Davis

RAB Self Portrait for Photoworks - Richa

Scott Davis

Scott has taught Platinum/Palladium Printing, Large Format Photography, Still Life, Understanding Your Process at Photoworks.

He is currently working on the following projects: Mexico City Street Portraits (Day of the Dead), Sinister Idyll: Historical Slavery in the Modern Landscape.

Scott is inspired by too many photographers to mention! But when further prompted he mentioned John Dugdale, F. Holland Day, Robert Mapplethorpe, George Platt Lynes, Duane Michals.


"I'm a big believer in the Socratic method, to ask questions and allow students to find their own answers. I give students tools and let them discover how they work for their own purposes. There is no such thing as a stupid question, especially when you're doing something new."

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